Friday, May 04, 2007

2007.05.04 18:45
After Ezra-Nehemiah period 5c BC to the birth of Jesus, for about 400 years was a hard time for the history of Jewish people. After Alexander the Great took power in Levantine region, Jewish religion and culture were on the verge of extinction. Particurarly Antiochus IV's reign 175 -164 BC, he oppressed Judaism, by forcing Jewish people to violate their food rule, by putting Greek God Zeus to their temple, etc.

He was called 'Epiphanes', people usually imagine the word's apparent relation to 'Epiphany'. Epiphany is a feast which commemorates Jesus's appearance on the earth and the following Magi's visit to infant Christ.

Until recently I was wondering why the fierce oppressor of Judaism was called 'Epiphanes'. For four hundred years the teaching of Judaism was influenced by the waves of Hellenism from the West and Zoroasterianism from the East. We can usually see a Bible in a combined form of Old and New Testament, but the teachings of two scriptures are very different as if Christianity is baptised by Hellenism and Zoroasterianism. Jesus was celebrated by Magi from the East.


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