Saturday, October 01, 2005

Ah, No Holidays
2005.08.09 14:10

I have no holidays, if I work in a day no work at night but if I am off in a day a job at night is waiting for me. Only generally speaking, sometimes I work day and night oftentimes I keep on working till 9 o'clock in the morning from the previous night then I go to work at noon.

Crazy and stupid. I know but I cannot stop. From the fear of being the umemployment to tell the truth.

When I said it's day off tomorrow, it doesn't mean it's holiday...holy hours I should say...

#No Alternatives

Today -I think it's labour day in America, I had an unexpected holiday. All transportation was unavailable owing to typhoon. I had already told my company that I would be unable to go working. The company allotted one of my colleague who's day-off today and the company saying I have to take the place of his workday sometime later.

My company doesn't have extra personel to fill the vacancy I happened to have. But believe me absolutely it is not my fault to have him work in his day-off. In case of emergency, no alternatives are prepared probably normally in an ordinary Japanese company.

I don't believe I can find better company than this one though, this is also one of the reasons why I had to quit my job. I was slightly expecting that my company asked me to go working by allowing me to use a taxi. It was a dream out of a dream!

I am working in three companies, still I have two alternatives though I quit this particular job. I've got alternatives.

While Labor Day is an American Holiday, the need for reflection on the power of Labor does not need to be an America-only thing. Reading journals of some Slashers from other countries (like Mercedo) has me thinking of this. Reflect with me, even if your government doesn't recognize today as an official holiday! Your work is important, too. -Allen Zadr

Wherever we live I believe no one is eager to work so positively. Sometimes I am reluctant to work. But I always try to make the most of job, I believe we've lots of things to learn from our job, as long as I hold this attitude any job is worth while to do. Viva Labour Day!


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