Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Report of Earthquake
Jul 25, '07 1:16 AMfor everyone
American Army contributed 96 air conditioners to refugee camps in Niigata earthquake occurred some one week ago.
One nuclear power plant there decided to accept IAEA's investigation, not inspection some time after IAEA offered.

Ten Minutes Supper

We usually have a regular meeting of English circle on Tuesday from 8 pm to 9 pm. I finish working in 7 pm and I need to move, so usually I have no time to eat supper before the meeting. But today I had some time to eat supper, the time was limited though. It was only ten nminutes. But ten minutes was enough for me to finish having supper, so I felt strange when one of our members said it's very short.

Ten minutes supper, is it strange?

Marriage of Inconvenience

This marriage was suspiciously made between homosexuals. But not between same sex but different sex. This marriage was made between a man who likes a man and a woman who likes a woman. The woman was a famous figure so I guess she needed to hide her sexual preference from the eyes of general public.

What she didn't realise was what her husband said soon after they got married. He revealed simply that he is gay.

Crime and No Punishment

Aren't people who just followed the order of state power and committed some serious crimes guilty after the state lost its political power?

The Gatekeeper
2007.07.25 0:30

There are tens of thousands of shrines in which you know two gatekeepers are guarding in front of the entrance. Those figureheads are called Komainu - dog of foreign origin. Their head is similar to lion's and the body an ordinary dog. Those figureheads were so common in ancient Babylonia, Persia, etc. I know the gate of the Garden of Eden was protected by two cherubim so I wonder cherubim must have something to do with Japan's Komainu.
By the way I encountered some article that says the Garden of Eden stands for a womb. Certainly Bible says they can't back to the garden once they left there. In this article that says the cherubim represent unborn babies who were killed before their birth for some reason, usually economic one.
Related to this but not directly though are the origin of cross. Jesus was crucified but the fact does not automatically deduce as to why cross has been used as a symbol of Christianity for a long time. So when I encountered the article that suggests the similarity of the brazen serpent and Seraphim, I thought this must have something to do with cross. I had half a mind that cross must have represented the ascension of Jesus. Jesus was born as human and he later must have resurrected in spirit. My conclusion is cherubim, seraphim are representing spirits after death. Cross must be representing humans with wings, hoping to ascend.
Back again gatekeepers. We sometimes pay respect to shrines. This practice is so common in Japan. If inside the gate represents the Garden of Eden, the shrine must be playing the similar role. Inside the shrine is called 'sanctuary' as a matter of fact. We weren't caught in the gate. We weren't a gatekeeper yet.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What is 'Truth' ? I am willing to help test Slashdot's New Discussion System.
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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
"Truth"?(Score:1, Flamebait)
by johndiii (229824) * <.moc.tsolima. .ta. .iiidnhoj.> on 2007.07.18 5:03 (#19892077) (Last Journal: 2007.07.19 8:54)
Truth includes things that have already verified. That is a meaningless statement. Verification is the process of determining whether or not something is true. All that you are doing is defining "truth" as those things that are known to be true. That isn't a good definition, though. "Truth" is all those things that are true, whether or not they are known as such. Your definition also might include things in "truth" that are actually not true, due to mistakes or flaws in the verification process. And it doesn't account for things that are formally undecidable, as per Gödel's incompleteness theorem (which states that any sufficiently powerful formal system contains propositions that are true but not provable within the system).
--As you wish.
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Short answer: Yes(Score:0, Redundant)
by Morosoph (693565) on 2007.07.18 8:30 (#19894803) (http://homepage.ntlworld.com/tim.wesson/ Last Journal: 2007.06.10 2:25)
Does truth include things that cannot verify?Jondiii got it right; truth exists independently of our knowledge of it, and therefore verification isn't the point. This doesn't mean that verification isn't important, for we all want knowledge of truth.
Our lack of knowledge naturally means that we are inclined to disagree, but our disagreement doesn't change what is true; it only changes our opinion of it.
--My Amigos. Your Amigos.
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Re:Short answer: Yes(Score:2)
by johndiii (229824) * <.moc.tsolima. .ta. .iiidnhoj.> on 2007.07.19 12:15 (#19910081) (Last Journal: 2007.07.19 8:54)
Interesting moderation in this JE, don't you think?
--As you wish.
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Re:Short answer: Yes(Score:1)
by Jeremiah Cornelius (137) on 2007.07.19 12:24 (#19910155) (Last Journal: 2007.07.19 14:42)
Yeah. Looks like you have a doctrinaire Christian in Mercedo's friend list. Morosoph gets knocked, and even the lengthy anonymous comment is modded down - like that matters in a JE for someone with no UID!Style is a good way to ID the ACs, tho'. I notice typographical and punctuation convention "tells" that give some regulars away. Foolish to mod such a post down - just an expression of anger.All Love,Jeremiah "secret pre-Raphaelite and Byronic romantic" Cornelius
--So I pass that on to you.Write it down, and put it in your computer, so you can forget it.
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Truth is Absolute Reality(Score:-1, Offtopic)
by Anonymous Coward on 2007.07.18 15:49 (#19897819)
Truth is not mediated by the senses, the intellect, nor the psyche.The world is a veil on Truth.God is Truth."Other than God" is a ludicrous fallacy. There is only Truth, "Other than Truth" does not, by its nature as fallacy, exist.Haqq, Brahma, Tao. The names of this endless ocean are many - its essence is the Unity, not the many names given under the shadow of the apparent world.The Delphic Oracle says: "Know thyself, and thou shalt know the Cosmos."Jesus says: "the Kingdom of Heaven in within you."Saint Clement says: "He who knows himself knows God."Gautama Buddha says: "Look within. Thou art Buddha."Siddha Yoga holds: "God dwells within you as You."In the Q'ran is written: "He who knows himself knows his Lord."Seeking other than the Truth is self-deception, but Truth cannot be attained by intellectual means.
One night, Nasruddin's neighbors found him, crawling around on his hands and knees under a lamppost."What are you looking for?" they asked him."I've lost the key to my house," he replied.They all got down to help him look, but after a fruitless time of searching, one neighbor thought to ask him - just where he had lost the key in the first place?"Oh. In my house!" Nasruddin answered."Then why are you looking under the lamppost?" he was asked, impatiently.Nasruddin replied, "Well, it is dark in my house, of course!The lamp of intellect does not illuminate the house. When Diogenes as similarly asked why he carried a lamp in the broad daylight, he responded "I am looking for one that knows the truth!" The lesson of this was lost on those who have recorded the deeds of Diogenes - and his rivals branded him "cynic," meaning one who barks meaninglessly like a dog and not engaging in proper philosophical discourse. The lamp of discourse would never illuminate the abode of truth - and in misunderstanding he is even misquoted today as one looking for "an honest man."All of this is the essential teaching of Jesus, as relayed by the Secret Gospel of Thomas, destroyed by the Priestly enemies of Truth:
"Jesus said, If your leaders say to you "Look! The Kingdom is in the sky then the birds will be there before you are. If they say that the Kingdom is in the sea, then the fish will be there before you are. Rather, the Kingdom is within you and it is outside of you."(Saying 3a)"His disciples said to him: Show us the place you are, for it is essential for us to seek it. He responded: He who has ears let him hear. There is light within a man of light, and he lights up all of the world. If he is not alight there is darkness."(Saying 24)"Jesus said: When you give rise to that which is within you, what you have will save you. If you do not give rise to it, what you do not have will destroy you."(Saying 70)That "Man of Light" is the only one who can teach how to find this. Some are struck with realization, but they are unable to explain what they witness. They are rarer than proverbial hen's teeth! But the Truth is known to some in every time - they are hidden from the insincere seeker, by the same ignorance that caused Diogenes to be misunderstood, down to this very day.The Man of Light would not be accepted by ordinary seekers - he would not appear "holy" - even ridiculing many of the pieties of religion. He will have both fools and sages among his followers, and contempt for this condition hides his being from the casual seeker. Without knowing they have done so, they fail even the very first test.I guess that leaves us with Bayazid Bestami, who I will quote - like a tape recorder, accurately but not comprehending:
"I never saw any lamp shining more brilliantly than the lamp of silence."
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What is 'Truth'?

Truth includes things that have already verified. Truth doesn't include things that have not verfied yet.Does truth include things that cannot verify? Some people insist that 'God is almighty, it's truth.'

Monday, July 16, 2007

In & Out

In & Out
2007.07.17 1:14

My assumption was basically as follows.
Men are once in his mother's womb and in there all nutrients were served through umbilical cord. I must say men are passive in a womb. Men who prefer a hip must have a strong yearning to the state in a womb. His interest is inward, he is not trying to find a partner but satisfy in protection.
Once he came out of his mother he had to feed himself by trying to suck his mother's bosom. This is an active action. He just started to learn he has to do something to feed himself. This is the very first step to socialisation.
If still mother's influence strongly sheds light on his life, he must be a hip lover. Or those who prefer hip rather than nipple must be still under his mother's control -that is so called a mother-complex.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bosoms Lover? or Hip Lover?
2007.07.16 2:34

I have heard that a man who is obsessively affectionate to women's hip is likely to be suffered from mother complex, who loves his mother in unconsciousness.
How about the cases of a man who loves particularly bossoms? Womb is where he used to stay before his birth. In this case he was formed a part of his mother. Instead bosoms are where he had been nourished after he was separated from his mother. It is natural to love bosoms because they are where he was able to acquire his first food. At least desire to fulfil his hunger is more socialised than the nostalgic yearning to his home before birth.

The Meaning of 'God is Almighty'

The Meaning of 'God is Almighty'
2007.07.16 1:46

Have you ever thought about the meaning of God is almighty?
If God is almighty, he can be outside the universe or inside, can be omnipresence or somewhere, he can banish himself so he can be nowhere at the same time. He can live forever and even be dead. Of course later he can resurrect himself. He can even bo back to the past.
God is almighty and God is omnipresence, both are different in expression, but in reality the former includes the latter in notion.
Is there any omnipotent being? That is the eternal theme humans keep on raising. Omnipotent being can banish himself. Under the notion of Almighty God even atheism becomes just one phenomenon of theism.

Friday, July 13, 2007

God cares for you

God cares for you
2007.07.14 2:26

Until a few days ago I had taken it for granted for a long time that Nietzsche denied the existence of God by declaring Gott ist tot or God is dead. But if God were almighty, he could resurrect himself. If Jesus were God before he arrives on the Earth, he or God experienced human's inevitable destiny through the crusification.
If so, the real meaning of Gott ist tot is different from what I thought. God experienced death because he wanted to give his best creature, that is all humans, an eternal life in Eucharist and wanted to share the same suffering all humans once had to experience, that is death -sharing in other words, Communion.
So real meaning of Gott ist tot is God experienced death through which he was able to give us an eternal life and also share the same suffering. The real meaning of faith was giving and sharing.
God is dead was an ultimate expression of God cares for you.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Some Christian firmly believe they will be resurrected.
Reincarnation is as a thought based on the immortality of souls, but we can't be so certain as far as we can't confirm the souls are immortal.
Resurrection, on the other hand, has nothing to do with this immortality. We can't deny resurrection, we can say we can realise resurrection as the ultimate form of our scientific achievement. Those who wish their resurrection had better try to make the most of their life at present. This is one of the rarest opportunity they live.
In the end resurrection will take place, but it takes time. It will definitely take place by the end of time.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Establishment of Self

Establishment of Self
2007.07.06 23:39

Somebody told us in our presence that his relation to God is more important than the relationship to others.
I thought he merely stated that he has nothing more important than himself, but I think this is the way how Westerners established themselves. Establishment of self, that is what lacks completely in Japanese. Westerners have established themselves through their personal dialogue to God. As opposed to the cases in Japanese, who only talk to people in their surroundings who have the similar problem with themselves. So so-called establishment by Japanese is fragile.

Thursday, July 05, 2007


2007.07.06 2:37

Testis means witness in Latin. Did you know that? It's interesting because both martyr and testis relate to life and death. Witness must have been a very responsible act.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


2007.07.05 3:46

Martyr, whose original form is Martur, means witness in Greek. Did you know that?